Imperial College London
United Kingdom
Organisation:  Imperial College London
Department: Department of Earth Science and Engineering
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Contaminated land-->Soil and groundwater processes-->Soil and groundwater processes overview
Groundwater protection-->Monitoring-->Monitoring overview
Water and sanitation-->Water and sanitation Overview
Organisation Outline:
The Department of Earth Science and Engineering is part of the Royal School of Mines and the Faculty of Engineering. Their research spans both Earth science 
and Earth engineering, employing engineering solutions to provide the technology to solve problems in fundamental science, and fundamental science to provide
the insight to solve applied problems of practical engineering. The department is organised into six multi-disciplinary research groups. The Sustainable Development and Environmental Engineering research group
(SEED) is active in several fields: Environmental Process Monitoring, Mine Tailings Management, Minewater Treatment Design, Waste Management & Re-utilisation
Design, Site Restoration Design, Hydro- & Biohydro- Metallurgical Processing.